Transcultural Nursing Society Conference
in Japan 2020


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Submission of presentations

Presentation credentials

No restrictions apply to credentials for presentation. Non-members of the Transcultural Nursing Society or Society of Cultural Nursing Studies are also welcome to submit presentations.

In addition, the principal presenter and any co-presenter(s) may, if they so wish, submit multiple presentations. At this conference, moreover, you may submit abstracts, including those that were previously submitted to the 12th Annual Meeting of the Society of Cultural Nursing Studies, if you wish to discuss them in English.

発表資格に制限はありません.Transcultural Nursing Societyの非会員,文化看護学会の非会員でも,演題申込ができます.


Presentation format

The presentation format will be podium presentation/oral presentation (arguments presented orally); poster presentations (arguments utilizing paper posters); keynotes; and symposium. The official language will be English.

Please be advised that the style(s) of presentation may be changed in accordance with arrangements adopted by the respective programs.



Awarding of Best Podium prize and Best Poster prize

Based on judging by the presentation monitoring committee, awards for the most outstanding presentations will be made. At the closing ceremony the conference chairperson will award a Best Podium prize and Best Poster prize.


Abstract submission guidelines

Please produce the abstract in a Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) file format in English. The title should be a maximum of 27 words, and the main text (including references, but excluding name(s) and affiliation(s)), a maximum of 550 words.

The main text, in principle, should include purpose, method, results, discussion, references, conflicts of interest, and so on. Diagrams and tables cannot be included. In cases where the research underwent ethical review, please note the name of the review board and approval number. Abstracts that are still at the planning stage can be accepted, but please assume that results will have been completed by the day the conference begins.

Conflicts of interest touch upon concerns that a study might lack the fairness and appropriateness required for public research, as challenged by a third party, and are not limited solely to financial matters. After it is determined that no conflicts of interest exist, please include wording to the effect that “We/I hereby declare that no potential conflict of interest exists relevant to this research.”

If the author is not a native speaker of English, he or she is requested to have the document carefully checked by a native English editor before submission. The organizers will be responsible for correction of typographical errors in English.

Please produce your abstract based on the style used in the template.

抄録はMicrosoft Wordのファイルとして,英語で作成してください.演題名は半角27ワーズ以内,抄録本文(文献を含む,演者名と所属名は除く)は半角550ワーズ以内として記述してください.





Registration of presentations

The period of registrations will be from November 18, 2019 (Monday) to April 3, 2020 (Friday) June 1, 2020 (Monday). Please register the presentation at the web site indicated below.

Also, the name of your affiliated institution should be that which you had at the time your research was conducted, and should not reflect any changes in your status that followed.

※Registration of presentations period will be extended until Monday, June 1, 2020.




Acceptance/rejection of presentation

The acceptance or rejection of submissions will be determined by the presentation review committee functioning under the chairperson, and determined by the chairperson. Acceptance of a presentation will, in principle, be made to the person submitting via email within seven days of completion of the submissions. The standards for review will be concerned solely that the research clearly indicates that ethical considerations were applied toward humans and animals. Please understand that the contents of the summary are entirely the responsibility of the author(s).

On April 20, 2020 (Monday), the Selected presentations page on the site will post the registration numbers of the submitted presentations that have been successfully selected.

