
12th Annual Meeting of The Society of Cultural Nursing Studies

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A Word from the Chairperson


本学術集会のテーマは,“アジア文化の視点からケア/ケアリングを科学する”といたしました.文化の種類は無数にあり,文化の区切りも国,地域,家族,個人など多岐にわたります.文化は,ひとの行為を支配するビリーフと価値観で構成されていますので(Hohashi, N. (2018). Family care/caring based on Family Belief Systems Theory. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 29, 308),最善のケア/ケアリングを提供するために文化看護学の智慧を働かさなければなりません.したがって,文化を考慮したケア‏/ケアリングは,あらゆる看護学の基盤をなすといえます.本学術集会では,グローバル化する日本において,とくにアジア文化に焦点をあて,日本社会に貢献するという期待を込めております.


文化看護学の発展のためには,けっして文化看護学会だけで閉じていてはいけません.学術集会の国際化にも力を注ぎ,歴史のある国際学会であるTranscultural Nursing Societyとの連携を図りました.本学術集会の直前にあたる2020年7月10日(金曜日)と11日(土曜日)には,Transcultural Nursing Society Conference in Japan 2020を開催いたしますので,両学術集会に参加することによって世界的に著名な研究者とも身近に接することができます.



会長 法橋 尚宏


It gives me great pleasure to inform you that I have been entrusted to serve as chairperson at the 12th Annual Meeting of The Society of Cultural Nursing Studies, which has been scheduled to convene in Kyoto Japan on Sunday, July 12, 2020. I consider it a tremendous honor to be able to be involved in this important conference, where the results of cultural nursing research in Japan will be shared with the world.

The theme of the upcoming conference will be “Studies of Care/caring from the Perspectives of Asian Culture.” The varieties of human culture are innumerable, with cultural distinctions made on a national, regional, family and even individual basis. As culture is composed of the beliefs and values upon that control acts (Hohashi, N. (2018). Family care/caring based on Family Belief Systems Theory. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 29, 308), in order to provide optimal care/caring, it is necessary for nursing professionals to harness the wisdom of cultural nursing studies. Consequently, it is no exaggeration to say that the culturally congruent care/caring forms the basis of all nursing studies. At the upcoming conference, Japan, which has been undergoing globalization --- with a particular focus on Asian culture --- can look forward to ways by which such studies can contribute to Japanese society.

With the aforementioned theme in mind, we are in the process of planning a thought-provoking program. Along with members reporting on the results of their research, we can look forward to sharing of various information. We also plan, as a new effort, to bestow a “Best Poster” prize to the individual judged to have produced the best presentation. In acknowledgement of globalization, moreover, it is possible that in addition to Japanese, English will also be adapted as the co-official language of the event. Concerning the submission of abstracts, we have adopted requirements for ethical guidelines and conflicts of interest. The standard for acceptance of presentations will be based on international conference practices.

To further the development of cultural nursing studies, our efforts will not be confined solely to locally based cultural nursing studies, but will also devote efforts to internationalization, and in conjunction with the conference we are planning to join with a pioneering organization, the Transcultural Nursing Society. Therefore immediately prior to our own conference, on July 10 (Friday) and July 11 (Saturday), the Transcultural Nursing Society Conference in Japan 2020 will convene in Kyoto. The joint holding of two conferences will provide a priceless opportunity for encounter with some of the world's top scholars and researchers in their respective fields.

Needless to say, Japan's former capital, Kyoto, is a city that boasts many archetypes of our country's traditional culture. With the mind to emulate the city's traditional gracious hospitality, we look forward to warmly welcoming colleagues and associates to both of these important events.

The 12th Annual Meeting of The Society of Cultural Nursing Studies

Chairperson, Naohiro Hohashi, PhD, RN, PHN, FAAN

Professor, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Kobe University, Japan

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