Transcultural Nursing Society Conference
in Japan 2020


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Co-chairpersons’ greetings

The Transcultural Nursing Society (TCNS) is an international healthcare organization supporting practice, research, education, and administration in the field of culturally competent and equitable healthcare for all people, with a respected history and tradition, and one which takes pride in its highly reputed Journal of Transcultural Nursing (JTN). I am pleased to announce that the first international conference to be held in Asia, “Transcultural Nursing Society Conference in Japan 2020” will be held in Kyoto, Japan, from Friday, July 10 to Saturday, July 11, 2020.

I believe that the Kyoto gathering will enable those colleagues from certain countries and regions who up to now have found it difficult to attend a TCNS conference to be provided with a venue at which they will be able to discuss transcultural nursing, while at the same time publicize the results of their own research. At the same time, attendance and publication of data at this conference will also be open to non-TCNS members.

I myself joined the Editorial Board Member of JTN from 2011, and from 2014 was honored by the society with the title Transcultural Nursing Scholar (TCNS Scholar). Since 2011, I have continuously campaigned to have Japan host a TCNS conference in Japan, which will finally be realized in 2020. I firmly believe that the late Madeline M. Leininger, the founder of TCNS, would have been pleased by this event.

With the rapid pace of globalization in our profession, the world has become a smaller place, and the barriers separating cultures have been coming down. For nursing professionals, it is becoming essential to acquire an understanding of transcultural issues so as to realize multicultural coexistence. This is why, as the theme of this conference, we have adopted the theme of “East meets West in an era of Nursing Globalization,” with the aim of creating new transcultural studies appropriate to the era of globalization, by reconsidering teleology, methodology and object theory from the perspective of culture. In this way, I believe the conference will succeed in providing a bridge to results of research from various countries and regions.

The day following the conference, the 12th Annual Meeting of the Society of Cultural Nursing Studies will be held at the same venue. For those who are able to attend both events, we anticipate even broader exchanges between the world and Japan. At this conference, moreover, you may submit abstracts, even though which have been submitted to the 12th Annual Meeting of the Society of Cultural Nursing Studies, when you want to discuss them in English.

Founded as Japan’s capital over 1,200 years ago, the city of Kyoto is a showcase of Japanese history and culture. The city also embodies Japan’s distinctive spirit of “omotenashi” (hospitality), and it is with this in mind that we extend our warm welcome to colleagues from around the globe.

Transcultural Nursing Society Conference in Japan 2020

Co-chairperson, Naohiro Hohashi, PhD, RN, PHN, FAAN

Professor, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Kobe University, Japan

Transcultural Nursing Society(TCNS)は,すべてのひとに文化適応力があり,公正なヘルスケアを提供するための実践,研究,教育,管理を支援する国際的なヘルスケア学会で,歴史と伝統があります.また,著名なJournal of Transcultural Nursing (JTN)を発行しています.このたび,アジアで初めて開催するTCNSの学術集会として,Transcultural Nursing Society Conference in Japan 2020を2020年7月10日(金曜日)と11日(土曜日)に日本の京都において開催させていただきます.


私は,2011年からJTNの編集委員を務めており,2014年にはTCNSからTranscultural Nursing Scholar (TCNS Scholar)の称号を授与されております.2011年以降,TCNSの学術集会を日本に誘致する努力を続け,ようやく実現できました.TCNSの創設者である故Madeleine M. Leininger博士も喜んでいると存じます.

グローバル化が急速に進展する中,世界が狭くなっており,文化の牆壁が相対的に低くなっています.多文化共生のためには,看護職者にトランス文化看護学の理解が欠かせません.そこで,本学術集会のメインテーマは,“East meets West in an era of Nursing Globalization”といたしました.看護学の目的論・方法論・対象論を文化の視点から問い直し,グローバル化時代に即した新しいトランス文化看護学の創造が望まれます.本学術集会は,さまざまな国・地域の成果を結びつける橋渡しの場を提供できればと考えております.



Transcultural Nursing Society Conference in Japan 2020

共同会長 法橋 尚宏


Welcome to the Transcultural Nursing Society Conference, Japan 2020

The Board of Trustees of the Transcultural Nursing Society (TCNS) welcomes you to the 8th International Transcultural Nursing Society Conference in Japan 2020. The Conference will be held in Kyoto, Japan, from Friday, July 10 to Saturday, July 11, 2020. Dr. Jennie Gunn, President of the Board of Trustees of TCNS, and Dr. Naohiro Hohashi serve as co-chairs of the conference. We are confident you will find the presentations enlightening and useful in your practice. The Kyoto gathering allows colleagues an opportunity to learn about transcultural nursing and to present research that furthers the mission, values, and goals of the Transcultural Nursing Society.

The Transcultural Nursing Society (TCNS) is an international organization founded by Dr. Madeleine Leininger. The Transcultural Nursing Society addresses culturally competent, congruent care in healthcare practice, education, administration, and research. Dr. Leininger created and served as the first editor of the respected Journal of Transcultural Nursing. The Journal provides a venue to share knowledge about culture, cultural care, theories, and research methods. Dr. Leininger was a true visionary; her work is celebrated, and her Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality is highly respected. The Transcultural Nursing Society Scholars and members continue to provide new understanding and insight into cultural care.

Kyoto is a beautiful location for the conference and is a culturally rich city. Opportunities to learn and share knowledge at this venue are unlimited. We look forward to the exchange of ideas and support of the mission of the Transcultural Nursing Society to enhance the quality of culturally congruent, competent, and equitable care that results in improved health and well-being for people worldwide. Visit the website,, to learn more about TCNS and to join the Society.

We look forward to welcoming you to Kyoto, Japan!

Co-chairperson, Transcultural Nursing Society Japan 2020

Jennie Gunn, Ph.D., RN, FNP-BC, CTN-A

President, Transcultural Nursing Society

Professor, University of South Alabama, Mobile, Alabama, USA